You see… rules are rules….and rules are,
that you have to be 3 years old
in order to go out on the
Official Christmastime Daddy- Daughter Date,
not that we are purposely mean to our 2 and unders,
but truth isthey usually dont give a rip at that age.
But this year... Charlotte was 3 and she was ready!
They kept it simple with dinner, chocolate ice cream
and plenty of Christmas lights
in downtown Santa Barbara.
(note to self: steer clear of white outfits on future 3 yr. old dates involving chocolate ice cream)
Daddy came home smiling saying,
"Our girls are so completely different".
They both had so much fun. Char likes to party.

Nevaeh requested the same date spot as last Christmas.
Stick with what you know, thats the safest way,
besides who wants to deal with the unexpected?
surprises?...way too much stress for this 5 year old.
In the minutes before they headed out the door,
conversations in are house were as follows…
"Soooo, this is My date, right? So that means I'm the boss, right?
So I can order lemonade if I want to, right?
I'm the boss? Am I the boss?
I am a princess and the princess is always the boss." :)
They had dinner in Thousand Oaks and then visited the
outdoor ice skating rink again.
This year she says she was "a SO much better ice skater"
and of course thrilled
that she needed a bigger skate size then last year.

Daddy always brings his dates home way too late
and completely exhausted!
They wake up a little when getting them into bed
and they fall back asleep with
little smiles on their faces…it's so precious.
I think its my turn next!