Sunday, March 29, 2009

March Madness

To start out the marvelous month of March, I got sick with a chest cold-flu yucky, I was down and out for a few days. Al stepped up to the plate like a pro, taking wonderful care of me and the girls. Cooking, cleaning and caravaning the girls around town. He excels at Mr. Mom and he made it look so easy!

On March 4th my youngins and I headed up north to visit the fam in Fresno. Al headed up to HS Winter camp a few days later. In Fresno the girls got to play with all their cousins and I got to hang with my sisters. They played 'bats' with Nana in the backyard.

We celebrated Grandpa Fain's 85th Birthday, and enjoyed hanging with the Fain Family.Uncle Jack did Elmo impersonations for Charlotte, and we all enjoyed Sara's amazing German Chocolate cake.

My friend Carly used the girls and I to practice her photo skills. We got some amazing shots in an orchard in full bloom with pink flowers.

I was beyond excited when Friday the 13th rolled around and I drove downtown to the train station to pick up my Man. It was so wonderful to be with him again and to hear of his amazing trip to Seattle and the Acts29 Conference. My parents watched the girls and we went out to catch up and to grub on our favorite fresno cuisine Me n Ed's pizza!
"Distance in Love is like water on fire,
a little quickens it but to much will put it out"

On Saturday night Nevaeh enjoyed a pre-birthday party from Al's mom (grandma Liz) at Al's Grandparents house. Complete with banners, balloons, cake, pin the tail on the donkey and Tinkerbell presents!

The next day, Sunday, we packed up our caravan and headed northwest to the tiny town of Los Banos to visit Al's dad and his wife Linda. We stayed one night and then left the girls with them and continued north ALONE!...Yes....alone!

We toured Marin county and spent time with wonderful friends in Santa Rosa.
It's beautiful up there.

On Wednesday we fueled up on Americano's at the Flying Goat and began out trek back to the southlands. (After we almost crashed, and ran out of gas at Bodega Bay, which I'm sure is very pretty but it was way to foggy to see anything)

Back across the Golden Gate we faced an unexpected toll and got ticketed for not having any cash:( come on, who carries cash these days?
... apparently those who live in SF.

We did alot of driving!

Back to Los Banos to see the babes! We stayed the night again and the next morning March 19th, not feeling like driving all the way back to OC we headed to fresno instead. Al and I had another date night and enjoyed a long walk along a canal bank in North fresno, we talked and prayed and had another amazing time together.

On Saturday March 21st we headed for home.

And the following week was and still is complete caos...Nevaeh got sick, then Charlotte , then Al! The girls had fevers, horrific sounding coughs and ear infections. Night times were rough for a while. It seems 24hrs a day something is begins first thing in the morning and continues until bedtime where we just fall down and crash in the middle of our messy house suitcase is still packed.

Nevaeh had a birthday!
On March 27th Nevaeh turned 4! We had planned to plant flowers on her birthday but we spent the afternoon at the Doctor office instead:( she didn't seem to mind though, she got a lollipop. She wanted a tacobell burrito for lunch and a smoothie. Daddy brought home In & Out, a chocolate milkshake, a silver slinky that she has had her eye on for sometime and her first pack of bubble gum!
We will celebrate with a horse party this weekend ...she "really very can't wait".
So that's what we did this month...we're off to plant some flowers (: