I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and is looking forward to a Happy New Year! Speaking of the new year, the fresh start, the time of cleaning, organization and empty promises of a workout routine, I hope to have a few posts boasting of some organization in my home...mostly paperwork and toys which have recently multiplied and taken over everything...everywhere! I write that now so that someone will hold me accountable to actually doing it!
So here are few pics of Our Family's Christmas time. The four of us were joined by Al's dad(Bapa) and later by our friends Abe & Danielle(Ham & Yell) for Christmas Dinner. We enjoyed a Mexican dinner of steak tacos, beans, rice, chips, salsa, quacamole, cocunut shrimp with pineapple salsa, and Danielle's award-winning first timer tamales which shall never be forgotten.(they were amazing!) We finished off with a slice of pumpkin praline cheesecake, which was also amazing.
Christmas morning was magical for Nevaeh as she came out of her room to find our tree littered with gifts "Look , hmmm.. this one has a name on it, whose name is that?... hmmm, I think this says Nevaeh on it, hey does this says Nevaeh or somethin?" After patiently waiting for us to officially wake-up and coffee to be brewed, she joined us in prayer and praise to Jesus as we sang "Happy Birthday" and thanked our God for sending us His Son and for the wonderful year He has given us.
(and NO I did not buy any of them)
Kissing Coco