Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pool & Pizza

POOL! We have been enjoying our pool this year like never before. On many 'Daddy's day off days' you'll find us splashing around out there. Char floats in her little boat, but prefers to be held, and splashes and laughs...and cries, she loves the water...really. Nevaeh loves to wear her floaty-suit so she can swim all by a fish. She likes to swim on my back but hates to go under the water.

PIZZA! Well, who doesn't love pizza? No one in our family. Nevaeh says its her "very favorite". Char had her first piece of pizza (or should I say piece and a half!) and was headed back for more but I decided to let her fill up on some friut instead... this won't come as a surprise to most of you...the girl can eat, if you can't tell.


Brandi said...

Pizza and doesn't get better than that.

sarajeancooksey said...

pizza is my very favorite too.

Unknown said...

Its amazing how much Al and I look alike with our shirts off.